1/7 The @europarl_en votes on the #AIAct next week.
Over 250,000 people are calling on MEPs to BAN biometric #MassSurveillance #BMS such as "real-time" and "post" remote biometric identification.
This week, we took the people's demands to MEPs to make our voices heard!
2/7 Hundreds of thousands of people across Europe have made it clear:
We want to keep our public spaces free of #FacialRecognitionand other biometric #MassSurveillance, including both 'real-time' and 'post'
3/7 We call on MEPs to listen to people's voices when they vote on the #AIAct next week
They must maintain the bans on #BMS agreed to by @EP_SingleMarket & @EP_Justice .
The bans are necessary to protect #HumanRights & prevent the EU from descending into a surveillance dystopia.
4/7 The #AIAct should include bans on:
'Real-time' and 'post' forms of remote biometric identification (RBI), such as public #FacialRecognition
Emotion recognition
Automated recognition of gender, sexuality and ethnicity (biometric categorisation)
5/7 These invasive technologies will lead to a severe chilling effect on free expression, discrimination, and the violation of #RightToPrivacy.
@europarl_en , hundreds of thousands of people are calling on you - protect people’s rights & ban biometric #MassSurveillance!
6/7 The 250,000+ signatures represent almost 80 diverse digital rights & social justice orgs across Europe
Thanks to petitions by @reclaimyourface, @edri, All Out, @accessnow, @amnesty_digital_de, @algorithmwatch, @digiges, Big Brother Watch, Ligue des droits humains & Ban Facial Recognition Europe
7/7 Abir Al-Sahlani, @kimvsparrentak, @echo_pbreyer, @svenja_hahn, Petar Vitanov and @SLagodinsky - thank you for your efforts to #BanBMS and protect our rights!